Population and Evolutionary Genetics Group —— Research Interests

a. Conservation genetics of raptorial birds

Focusing on saker falcons and peregrine falcons, we aim to explore evolutionary adaptation, habitat selection, and movement patterns of wild raptors in extreme environments. To address these issues, we investigate correlations between multi-omics data (e.g. genome, proteome, transcriptome, metabolome, and epigenome) and ecological observations, phenotypes using bioinformatic tools along with ecological models, mathematical statistics and functional genomics.

b. Genetic mechanisms of avian flight

Flight is a major evolutionary event in the evolution of vertebrates. We aim to understand evolution of avian flight through exploring the evolutionary processes of flight-related traits using bioinformatics analysis, mathematical modeling and experimental assays.

c.Mechanisms of macro- and micro-evolution during speciation

Understanding mechanisms of macro- and micro-evolution during speciation is a key question in evolutionary biology. To answer this question, we mainly investigate processes underlying macro- and micro-evolution of raptors and domesticated animals.