Avian Ecology Group —— Research Area

We mainly study the population ecology, behavior ecology and evolutionary biology of forest birds in China, focusing on the endemic birds in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau alpine coniferous forests. (For details click: http://english.ioz.cas.cn/special/lhs/)




Would you like to have fun outdoors, see lots of amazing birds and other animals, enjoy the beautiful scenery and also contribute to a scientific research project?






From April to August each year we conduct field work here, study the population dynamics of Chinese Grouse, breeding biology of Blood Pheasant, Sichuan Wood Owl and Boreal Owl. Recently, we started to study the life history strategy of small passerine birds in a highly fragmented habitat where nest predation risk is high.

We welcome the participation of any enthusiastic naturalist in our study. Our activities include basic bird watching for the identification of colour-banded individuals, nest searching, mist-netting, measuring eggs and nestlings, and checking infrared triggered automatic cameras.