Diversity and Spatial Ecology Research Group —— Sampled Publications
- Wang S,Liu C,Wilson A,Zhao N, Li X,Zhu W, Gao X, Liu X and Li YM*. 2017. Pathogen richness and abundance predict patterns of adaptive major histocompatibility complex variation in insular amphibians. Molecular Ecology doi.org/10.1111/mec.14242
- Liu X, Petitpierre B, Broennimann O, Li X, Guisan A and Li YM*. 2017. Realized climatic niches are conserved along maximum temperatures among herpetofaunal invaders. Journal of Biogeography 44:111-121.
- Xu Y, Lin S, He J, Yu X, Zhang L, Jiang H* and Li YM* 2017. Tropical birds are declining in the Hainan Island of China. Biological Conservation 210: 9-18.
- Li YM*, Li X, Sandel B, Blank D, Liu Z, Liu X and Yan S. 2016. Climate and topography explain range sizes of terrestrial vertebrates. Nature Climate Change 6: 498-502.
- Li X, Liu X, Kraus F, Tingley R and Li YM*. 2016. Risk of biological invasions is concentrated in biodiversity hotspots. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14: 411-417. (featured and cover article)
- Liu, X, Li X, Liu T, Tingley R, Kraus F, Guo Z and Li YM*. 2014. Congener diversity, topographic heterogeneity and human-assisted dispersal predict spread rates of alien herpetofauna at a global scale. Ecology Letters 17:821-829.
- Li YM*, Liu X, Li XP, Petitpierre B and Guisan A. 2014. Residence time, expansion toward the equator in the invaded range and native range size matter to climatic niche shifts in non-native species. Global Ecology and Biogeography 23: 1094-1104.
- Wang S, Zhu W, Gao X, Li X, Yan S, Liu X, Yang J, Gao Z and Li YM* 2014. Population size and time since island isolation determine genetic diversity loss in insular frog populations. Molecular Ecology 23:637-648.
- Liu X, JR Rohr and Li YM*. 2013. Climate, vegetation, introduced hosts and trade shape a global wildlife pandemic. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Science 280:20122506. (Very good paper, F1000 recommendation).
- Bai CM, Liu X, Fisher FC, Garner TWJ and Li YM*. 2012. Global and endemic Asian lineages of the emerging pathogenic fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis widely infect amphibians in China. Diversity and Distributions 18: 307-318.
- Liu X, McGarrity ME and Li YM*. 2012. The influence of traditional Buddhist wildlife release on biological invasions. Conservation Letters 5:107-114.
- Li YM*, Xu F, Guo ZW, Liu X, Jing CN and Wang SP. 2011. Reduced predator species richness drives the body gigantism of a frog species on the Zhoushan Archipelago in China. Journal of Animal Ecology 80:171-182.
- Wu ZJ, Li YM* & Murray B. 2006. Insular shifts in body size of rice frogs in the Zhoushan Archipelago, China. Journal of Animal Ecology 75:1071-1080.
- Li YM*, Wu, Z and Duncan R. 2006. Why islands are easier to invade: human influences on bullfrog invasion in the Zhoushan archipelago and neighboring mainland China. Oecologia 148: 129-136.
- Li, YM.* & Wilcove, D. 2005. Threats to vertebrate species in China and the United States. BioScience 55:147-152. (Very good paper, F1000 recommendation)
- Li YM*, Guo Z, Yang Q, Wang Y and Niemela¨ J. 2003. The implications of poaching for giant panda conservation. Biological Conservation 111: 125-136.
- Li YM*, Niemela J and Li D. 1998. Nested distribution of amphibians in the Zhoushan archipelago, China: can selective extinction cause nested subsets of species? Oecologia 113:557-564