| | Resume: | 2002-2003 Biodiversity Specialist, EU-China Biodiversity Program 1996- Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1994-1996 Associate Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1985-1987 Research Associate, Department of Ecology, Northwest Institute of Biology, CAS | Research Interests: | To study the underpinned mechanisms of distribution, diversity,behavior, ecology and endangerment of wild mammals;to explore the origin and evolution of mammal species;to study the behavioral interaction between human being and wild animals in modern society;to reveal the pattern and trends of animals under global change;to illustrate fate of small populations in fragmented habitats; to restore regional extinct species and to early warn of nascent biodiversity crisis. | Awards and Honors: | - Advanced Worker in Science and Technology, Chinese Association for Science and Technology, 2012
- Third Class Award for Natural Science, Department of Science, Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region, China, 2011
- First Class Prize of Conservation Milu in China, Dafeng Natural Reserve, 2011
- Outstanding Contribution to Nature Reserves in China by the National Environmental Protection Administration, State Forestry Administration, Ministry of Agriculture, State Ocean Administration, Ministry of Land Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Conservancy, 2006
- Whitley Award from the Whitley Award Foundation for Nature, 2006
- The Huawei Outstanding Supervisor Award, the Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2001
| Professional Activities: | - Vice President, Chinese Mammalogist Society (2013-)
- Deputy Editor- in-Chief, Chinese Journal of Wildlife (2011-)
- Member of the Editorial Board, Chinese Science Bulletin. (2011-)
- Member, Commission of Ecological Nomenclature Across the Taiwan Strait (2010-)
- Member of the Editorial Board, Wildlife Professional (2007-2010)
- Member of the Steering Committee, Snow Leopard Network (2006-2009)
- Subject Editor, Environmental Science and Pollution Control (2006-2010)
- Member of the Editorial Board, Arid Ecosystems (Russia, 2009-)
- Commissioner, BIODIVERSITA China National Commission (2004-)
- Commissioner, Biodiversity Commission of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2000-)
- Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Biodiversity Science (2000-)
- Commissioner, National Commission of Natural Reserves (1995-2004, 2008-2013)
- Commissioner, China National Man and Biosphere Commission (2002-)
- Vice-Chair, China’s Commission of Ecological Nomenclature (1999-)
- Vice-Chair, Division of Animal Ecology, the Chinese Society of Ecology (1997-2005)
- Member, Executive Council of the Zoological Society of China (1998-)
- Member, Executive Council of the Mammalogy Society of China (1999-)
- Member, Executive Council of Chinese Wildlife Protection Association (1999-)
- Chair, Scientific Steering Committee, Chinese Wildlife Protection Association(2005-)
- Editor, Current Zoology, Formerly Acta Zoologica Sinica (2000-)
- Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Acta Theriologca Sinica (2004-2009)
- Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Life World(2003-)
- Members, Equus Specialist Group, CBSG Specialist Group, Reintroduction Specialist Group, and Antelope Specialist Group, SSC, IUCN
- Member, the Center for Controlling Desertification (CCD), UNEP (1999-)
- Member, Editorial Board, Russian Journal of Theriology (2000-)
| Research Grants: | - BiodiversitySpecial Project of the Ministration of Environmental Protection: Red-list Assessment on Terrestrial Vertebrates in China. (2013-2015)
- Knowledge Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Assessment of CITES Species and its Trade Status. (2012-2015)
- State Special Program of Basic Research. Survey on Endemic Animals and Biogeography in Chinese Altay. (2014-2018)
- Natioan Nature Science Foundation: Evolution of Procapra. (2014-2018)
| Selected Publications: | -
Jiang, Z et al. 2014. Principles in Conservation Biology. Beijing: Science Press. 705pp. -
Jiang, Z. and Ma K. 2014. Scanning the horizon for nascent environmental hazards. National Science Review. In press. -
Luo Z, Jiang Z, Tang S. 2014. Impacts of climate change on distributions and diversity of ungulates on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Applications Online first. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/13-1499.1 -
Li L and Jiang Z. 2014. International Trade of CITES Listed Bird Species in China. PLOS ONE 9(2): e85012. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085012. -
Zhang, F., Jiang Z., Xu A., Zeng Y., Li C. 2013. Recent Geological Events and Intrinsic Behavior Influence the Population Genetic Structure of the Chiru and Tibetan Gazelle on the Tibetan Plateau. PLoS ONE 8(4):e60712. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0060712. -
Hu J, Jiang Z, Mallon, D. P. 2013. Metapopulation viability of a globally endangered gazelle on the Northeast Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Biological Conservation 166: 23-32. -
Zeng, Y, Li C. Zhang L, Zhong Z, and Jiang Z. 2013. No correlation between neonatal fitness and heterozygosity in a reintroduced population of Père David's deer. Current Zoology. 59(2):249-256. -
Li Z, Jiang Z & Beauchamp G.2009. Vigilance in the Przewalski's gazelle: effects of sex, predation risk and group size. Journal of Zoology (London) 277: 302-308. | | | |